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4 Tips To Soothe A Toothache Before Your Appointment

SUDDEN TOOTHACHES ARE painful and far from convenient in today’s busy world. However, getting to a dentist as quickly as possible is the best thing you can do to treat and relieve your pain as well as prevent any further problems.

Dr. McOmie Can Provide Effective Treatment And Long-Term Relief
It’s important to remember that there is always an underlying cause for toothaches, such as decay, gum disease, or tooth enamel erosion. They usually never go away on their own and only get worse–and more painful–over time.

Paying a visit to Dr. Mark McOmie as early as possible is the best course of action for tooth pain. Your dentist will not only relieve your pain and provide long-term relief but will also work to treat the cause of your toothache, preventing further discomfort and damage in the future.

Here is a video explaining how to soothe a toothache at home:

In The Meantime…
With that being said, we know that not everyone can come in to see us the moment they feel tooth pain. We also know that the time between the start of a toothache and actually getting to McOmie Family Dentistry can be excruciating. Between making your appointment and getting to Dr. McOmie, try some of these at-home, temporary toothache remedies to help relieve your pain.

Over-The-Counter Pain Relievers
OTC pain relievers–such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and the like–can provide short-term pain relief. If you use aspirin, swallow it as you normally would. Do not put it right on your tooth or gums as this will not relieve any pain and can damage the soft tissues of your mouth. Here in the south BC and Goody’s powders are common. Again don’t dump them on the tooth take them as you normally would. When BC and Goody’s are dumped on the tooth they burn the gums and make a white appearance.

Salt Water
Swishing salt water around your mouth can help clean out an infected area and loosen any food debris present. This can help relieve some discomfort, depending on the cause of your toothache.

Garlic is said to have properties that help it inhibit the growth of bacteria and temporarily relieve pain. Simply chew some garlic or mash a clove of garlic into a paste and apply it to your tooth. Warning: this remedy may cause severe bad breath!

Clove or Peppermint Oil
Both clove and peppermint oil contain natural anesthetics and can act as numbing agents. They are very strong and can do damage to your mouth’s soft tissues, however, so you’ll want to be careful. Drip a drop or two of oil onto a cotton ball and apply it to the throbbing tooth.

Sometimes cold water can soothe a toothache
This is one we see frequently. A person has a toothache and as long as they hold cold water on it the tooth pain goes away. Sometimes cold water can have exactly the opposite effect.

One thing NEVER to do!
Never ever place heat on a tooth that is hurting. Most of the time a painful tooth is the result of an infection. Placing heat on this will only make things worse and swell more. So please NEVER place a heating pad on your face if your tooth is hurting. Also, stay out of the heat if temps are high outside.

Don’t Wait To Treat Your Toothache
Remember, toothaches only get worse over time, so don’t wait to come in and see us. These at-home toothache remedies are meant to help with short-term pain relief and are in no way a substitute for the treatment and care you’ll receive from the doctors in our practice! We are fortunate at McOmie Family Dentistry to have Dr. Mark McOmie because we can get every dental emergency seen the same day. You will receive the most up-to-date care, and in most situations, you will have options of how to resolve the problem.

Our specialty is serving YOU! So give us a call McOmie Family Dentistry 423-899-1112

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